MI Products 101
Elevate your knowledge of Radian’s Mortgage Insurance solutions with our comprehensive video series. Watch now to gain valuable MI insights.

Borrower-Paid Single-Premium MI

Borrower-Paid Split-Premium MI
Module 4 of 6
Explore Radian Guaranty's CustoMIze SplitEdge, an innovative borrower-paid split-premium MI solution that divides the premium between an upfront payment and reduced monthly payments. This video explains its workings, benefits, and provides an example to showcase its flexibility.
CustoMIze SplitEdge Demo: Customizing Your Split-Premium Rate Quote
Discover our newly expanded rates and functionality for customizing split-premium rate quotes on MI Rate Finder, ensuring an optimal fit for every borrower's budget. This video offers a step-by-step guide on how to customize the expanded upfront and monthly payment options.