November 20, 2019

C-Suite, Operations, Processor, Servicing, Technology, Title

Title and Technology: How People and Robotics are Working Together to Improve the Title Industry

The partnership of people and technology has revolutionized the modern workplace. From virtual meetings to automated processing, we’ve transformed the ways in which we communicate and interact with one another.

For example, when checking out at a retail store, you may be asked to spell out your email address or provide your phone number to receive coupons or special deals. This process can feel tedious and inconvenient, especially if you visit a store regularly. Compare this experience to stores where we can insert our card into a machine and our account information is automatically displayed for the cashier. Introducing technology into this small piece of the process can make our transactions faster and more seamless.

More importantly, these types of technological advancements allow us to look up from our screens and interact with one another in a more personal way. It has been said that the right technology lets people be people again and allows employees to maximize their unique, human talents.

When it comes to the title industry, we’ve made significant technological improvements over the last decade. In particular, with the development and enhancement of title engines we’ve made notable progress in reducing cycle times, providing instant clear-to-close on certain transactions and more efficiently processing approvals on the remaining files.

More accurate and robust data feeding title engines allows us to determine the complexity level of the title review. This information can then be used to employ another central aspect of the title process: “skills-based routing,” a system for distributing work to the best qualified person for the task at hand. This is just one example of how people and technology can work together to make the title process more efficient.

From there, the title process can be further supported by Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with Attended Bots.

1. The Benefits of Bots

Unlike AI, which simulates human intelligence with the use of machines, RPA uses a software Bot to mimic human actions. RPA can be used to complete administrative tasks such as copying data, transferring documents and updating data from one system to another.

RPA not only provides enhanced speeds, but also increases productivity throughout the title process. Tasks that once took several minutes for a person to do can be done in a few seconds. This frees up personnel to do work that requires human judgement and client interaction.

2. Process Auditing

When determining which processes can benefit most from RPA, companies must first do a thorough process audit. For example, internal processes can vary from person to person. Before RPA can be implemented it’s important to ensure all employees are performing tasks in a uniform way in order to avoid a Bot running into an error and slowing down the process.

Bots work most effectively when the steps in a given process are clearly laid out. Having a well-defined, consistent, repeatable process is the ideal scenario for a Bot.

Beginning with a process audit also allows for faster identification of errors when steps are missed. The data people have memorized, or the workflows we automatically set up, don’t always make it into the instructions we provide for a given process. Pieces of the process that are automatic for us as people, such as knowing department codes or remembering someone’s phone number changed, have to become a specific, defined step the Bot must learn how to perform.

The entire process must have clear documentation and the right level of detail in order for the Bot to be as efficient as possible.

3. Implementation...and Beyond

Change management is a key part of a Bot implementation. While Bots come with great advantages, they may not always be embraced by employees at first. Companies must be mindful of what it means to change an employee’s job function and look for ways to highlight the opportunities new technology brings. For instance, with the introduction of a Bot, the time employees spent on administrative tasks might now be able to be used in more engaging ways, like interacting with customers, improving other processes or creating new work opportunities.

Another thing to keep in mind after migrating a task from a person to a Bot is the need for the company to consistently monitor for any changes that may affect the Bot’s workflow.

New regulations, changes to data or file locations or other process changes can cause Bots to display an error and stop the activity being performed. Regularly monitoring and updating process steps after implementation is key. Just like a human employee, “automated employees” must go through recurrent training in order to remain as efficient as possible.

The union of technology and people is imperative to the future of the title industry. Enhanced technology allows us to better identify process bottlenecks, shorten transaction times and deliver real savings to our customers. As we continue to incorporate new technology into the process and improve the functionality of our workforce, we are helping to ensure a stronger foundation for the title industry of tomorrow.

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