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Radian Reports First Quarter Net Income of $195.6 Million

Results Reflect After-Tax Net Unrealized Mark-To-Market Gains of $410.9 Million

PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Radian Group Inc. (NYSE: RDN) (the "Company") today reported net income of $195.6 million and diluted earnings per share of $2.44 for the quarter ended March 31, 2008. Book value per share at March 31, 2008 was $35.64. Excluding the impact of net unrealized gains on derivatives and hybrid securities, the Company's net operating loss was $215.2 million and the net operating loss per share was $2.69 for the quarter. "Net operating loss" and "net operating loss per share" are non-GAAP financial measures. A discussion of these measures, including a reconciliation to pretax income, is included below.

Radian's financial results for the first quarter of 2008 were significantly impacted by unrealized gains and losses on the Company's hybrid securities and derivative assets and liabilities. Credit spreads on underlying collateral, both corporate credit spreads and asset-backed spreads, widened significantly during the quarter, which resulted in large unrealized losses on these positions. Offsetting these losses, however, is the impact of a change to the Company's valuation methodology, which is adopted prospectively, that incorporates the market's perception of Radian's non- performance risk. This change in methodology is required under the provisions of SFAS No. 157. Given the significant widening of Radian's credit default swap spread over the past year, the reduction in the valuation of the Company's derivative liabilities related to non-performance risk more than offset the credit spread widening on underlying collateral for the current quarter. Below is a table with the detail of the impact on Radian's quarterly results of underlying collateral credit spread widening and the aggregate impact of incorporation of Radian's non-performance risk on our derivative instrument fair values.

                                                   1Q08                1Q07
    Pretax Income                                 $284.6              $158.2

    Removal of effect of unrealized
     (gains) and losses:

    Hybrid Securities                               55.9                 3.6

    Financial Guaranty credit derivatives        1,330.0               (25.1)

    Mortgage Insurance domestic and intl.           32.3                12.7
     credit default swaps

    NIMS                                            50.8                (1.4)

    Soft capital put options on committed          (42.8)                  -
     preferred securities

    Isolated impact of SFAS No. 157 fair
     value methodology change related            (2,058.3)                 -
     specifically to Radian's non-
     performance risk

    Pretax operating (loss) income                (347.5)              148.0

    Income tax (benefit) provision                (132.3)               41.1

    Net operating (loss) income                  $(215.2)             $106.9

    Net operating (loss) income per share         $(2.69)              $1.34

"We have seen the continuation of weak housing and credit markets and these conditions have impacted results in our mortgage insurance and financial guaranty businesses," said S.A. Ibrahim, Chief Executive Officer of Radian. "As previously announced, we are considering a range of alternatives to strengthen our capital position, while at the same time considering the alternatives for our financial guaranty business which offer the best long term value. Our liquidity and claims paying capabilities remain strong across both business units."

In the mortgage insurance business, paid claims during the first quarter were in line with the Company's guidance. As of March 31, 2008, Radian had $1.7 billion in mortgage insurance loss reserves. Newly written product mix in the mortgage insurance business continued to shift significantly to prime loans, with 90% of production during the first quarter made up of prime business, up from 77% during the fourth quarter.

Mr. Ibrahim continued, "By focusing on prime loans, working closely with the Government Sponsored Enterprises and managing our existing Risk-In-Force exposure, Radian will continue to address the significant challenges in the housing markets and overall economic environment."

Radian's financial guaranty business continues to maintain a strong capital position with limited exposure to vulnerable asset classes. Although new written premiums declined approximately 21% from the first quarter of 2007, reinsurance business remained strong.

Radian will discuss each of these items in its conference call today, Monday, May 12, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. The conference call will be broadcast live over the internet at or at >News. The call may also be accessed by dialing 800- 230-1085 inside the U.S., or 612-288-0337 for international callers, using passcode 921836 or by referencing Radian.

A replay of the webcast will be available at the Radian website approximately two hours after the live broadcast ends for a period of one year. A replay of the conference call will be available two and a half hours after the call ends for one week, using the following dial-in numbers and passcode: 800-475-6701 inside the U.S., or 320-365-3844 for international callers, passcode 921836.

Non-GAAP Measures

The table set forth above reconciles "net operating loss" and "net operating loss per share" to pretax income. In order to assist investors in understanding our quarterly operating results, which recently have been impacted significantly by changes in market values of our derivative and hybrid securities portfolios, we define our net operating earnings to be our GAAP pretax income, adjusted to exclude unrealized gains and losses on these portfolios that relate to market risk, as tax-affected. Net operating earnings is not a substitute for pretax income computed in accordance with GAAP, but is a useful measure of performance used by management, equity analysts and investors because it allows a more consistent period-to-period comparison of our earnings without the effects of unrealized gains and losses on derivatives and hybrid securities. The definition of operating earnings used by us may differ from definitions of operating earnings used by other companies.

Radian Group Inc. is a global credit risk management company headquartered in Philadelphia with significant operations in New York and London. Radian develops innovative financial solutions by applying its core mortgage credit risk expertise and structured finance capabilities to the credit enhancement needs of the capital markets worldwide, primarily through credit insurance products. The company also provides credit enhancement for public finance and other corporate and consumer assets on both a direct and reinsurance basis and holds strategic interests in credit-based consumer asset businesses. Additional information may be found at

For trend information on all schedules, refer to Radian's quarterly financial statistics at

    Financial Results and Supplemental Information Contents (Unaudited)

    Exhibit A:   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
    Exhibit B:   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
    Exhibit C:   Segment Information Quarter Ended March 31, 2008
    Exhibit D:   Segment Information Quarter Ended March 31, 2007
    Exhibit E:   Financial Guaranty Insurance Supplemental Information -
                 Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit F:   Financial Guaranty Insurance Supplemental Information -
                 Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit G:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: New Insurance
                 Written and Risk Written
    Exhibit H:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: Insurance in
                 Force and Risk in Force
    Exhibit I:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: Risk in Force by
                 LTV and Policy Year and Other Risk in Force
    Exhibit J:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: Claims and
    Exhibit K:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: Defaults
    Exhibit L:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: Net Premiums
                 Written and Earned, Smart Home, Captives and Persistency
    Exhibit M:   Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information: ALT A
    Exhibit N:   Financial Services Supplemental Information

    Radian Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
    Exhibit A

                                                       Quarter Ended
                                                          March 31
                                               2008                    2007
    (In thousands, except per-share data)

    Net premiums written - insurance         $244,306                $248,430

    Net premiums earned - insurance          $241,921                $214,507
    Net investment income                      65,979                  60,996
    Net (losses) gains on securities          (54,884)                 13,745
    Change in fair value of derivative
     instruments (1)                          707,809                  48,417
    Other income                                3,614                   3,818
      Total revenues                          964,439                 341,483

    Provision for losses                      582,711                 107,042
    Provision for second-lien premium
     deficiency                                18,090                       -
    Policy acquisition costs                   23,906                  28,254
    Other operating expenses                   55,141                  54,367
    Merger expenses                                 -                   3,328
    Interest expense                           12,493                  13,056
      Total expenses                          692,341                 206,047

    Equity in net income of affiliates         12,526                  22,772

    Pretax income                             284,624                 158,208
    Income tax provision                       88,986                  44,741

    Net income                               $195,638                $113,467

    Diluted net income per share (2)            $2.44                   $1.42

     (1) Includes premiums earned on derivative contracts

     (2) Weighted average shares outstanding (in thousands)

    Average common shares outstanding          79,930                  79,428
    Increase in shares-common stock
     equivalents-diluted basis                    110                     652
    Weighted average shares outstanding
     (in thousands)                            80,040                  80,080

    For Trend Information, refer to our Quarterly Financial Statistics on
    Radian's (RDN) website.

    Radian Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
    Exhibit B

    (In thousands, except share and per-          March 31         December 31
     share data)                                    2008               2007

    Cash and investments                        $6,740,985         $6,611,836
    Investments in affiliates                      116,969            104,354
    Deferred policy acquisition costs              239,400            234,955
    Prepaid federal income taxes                   536,343            793,486
    Other assets                                   620,328            465,558

         Total assets                           $8,254,025         $8,210,189

    Liabilities and stockholders' equity:
    Unearned premiums                           $1,074,589         $1,094,710
    Reserve for losses and loss
     adjustment expenses                         1,902,128          1,598,756
    Reserve for second-lien premium
     deficiency                                    213,736            195,646
    Long-term debt and other borrowings            959,244            953,524
    Variable interest entity debt                  100,219                  -
    Deferred income taxes                           52,360             26,705
    Derivative liabilities                         703,405          1,305,665
    Other liabilities                              380,988            314,447

         Total liabilities                       5,386,669          5,489,453

    Common stock                                        98                 98
    Additional paid-in capital                     446,211            442,312
    Retained earnings                            2,375,189          2,181,191
    Accumulated other comprehensive income          45,858             97,135

         Total common stockholders' equity       2,867,356          2,720,736

           Total liabilities and
            stockholders' equity                $8,254,025         $8,210,189

    Book value per share                            $35.64             $33.83

    Treasury Stock Repurchases
     (Year-to-Date for Periods Presented)

    Total number of shares repurchased                   -            398,645
    Average price paid per share                         -             $57.25
    Total cost of repurchased shares                     -        $22,822,537

    Radian Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
    Segment Information
    Quarter Ended March 31, 2008
    Exhibit C

                             Mortgage   Financial   Financial
    (In thousands)          Insurance    Guaranty    Services    Total
    Net premiums written -
     insurance               $211,251     $33,055        $-    $244,306

    Net premiums earned -
     insurance               $204,265     $37,656        $-    $241,921
    Net investment income      38,845      27,120        14      65,979
    Net losses on
     securities               (36,733)    (18,149)       (2)    (54,884)
    Change in fair value
     of derivative
     instruments               71,769     636,040         -     707,809
    Other income                3,491         121         2       3,614
      Total revenues          281,637     682,788        14     964,439

    Provision for losses      571,008      11,703         -     582,711
    Provision for second-
     lien premium
     deficiency                18,090           -         -      18,090
    Policy acquisition
     costs                     13,460      10,446         -      23,906
    Other operating
     expenses                  34,170      20,738       233      55,141
    Interest expense            7,090       5,154       249      12,493
      Total expenses          643,818      48,041       482     692,341

    Equity in net income
     of affiliates                  -           -    12,526      12,526

    Pretax (loss) income     (362,181)    634,747    12,058     284,624

    Income tax (benefit)
     provision               (135,725)    219,219     5,492      88,986

    Net (loss) income       $(226,456)   $415,528    $6,566    $195,638

     Assets                $5,001,689  $3,133,958  $118,378  $8,254,025
     Total investments      4,051,596   2,508,351         -   6,559,947
     Deferred policy
      acquisition costs        62,860     176,540         -     239,400
     Reserve for losses
      and loss adjustment
      expenses              1,741,169     160,959         -   1,902,128
      liabilities             353,559     349,846         -     703,405
     Unearned premiums        365,161     709,428         -   1,074,589
     Stockholders' equity   1,328,594   1,412,429   126,333   2,867,356

    Radian Group Inc. and Subsidiaries
    Segment Information
    Quarter Ended March 31, 2007
    Exhibit D

                                  Mortgage   Financial   Financial
     (In thousands)              Insurance    Guaranty    Services    Total
     Net premiums written -
      insurance                   $206,411     $42,019        $-    $248,430

     Net premiums earned -
      insurance                   $180,243     $34,264        $-    $214,507
     Net investment income          35,559      25,437         -      60,996
     Net gains (losses) on
      securities                    11,123       2,824      (202)     13,745
     Change in fair value of
      derivative instruments         4,338      44,079         -      48,417
     Other income                    2,849         140       829       3,818
       Total revenues              234,112     106,744       627     341,483

     Provision for losses          112,854      (5,812)        -     107,042
     Policy acquisition costs       16,523      11,731         -      28,254
     Other operating expenses       36,272      14,235     3,860      54,367
     Merger expenses                 3,328           -         -       3,328
     Interest expense                6,854       4,596     1,606      13,056
       Total expenses              175,831      24,750     5,466     206,047

     Equity in net income of
      affiliates                         -           -    22,772      22,772

     Pretax income                  58,281      81,994    17,933     158,208

     Income tax provision           13,579      24,078     7,084      44,741

     Net income                    $44,702     $57,916   $10,849    $113,467

      Assets                    $4,774,210  $2,757,800  $592,898  $8,124,908
      Total investments          3,567,581   2,378,387         -   5,945,968
      Deferred policy
       acquisition costs            67,835     157,762         -     225,597
      Reserve for losses and
       loss adjustment expenses    676,691     175,771         -     852,462
      Unearned premiums            277,135     697,633         -     974,768
      Stockholders' equity       2,322,374   1,457,712   394,690   4,174,776

    Radian Group Inc.
    Financial Guaranty Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit E
                                                     Quarter Ended
    ($ in thousands, except ratios)                    March 31
                                             2008                       2007

    Net Premiums Written:  (1)
    Public finance direct                   $5,603                    $12,780
    Public finance reinsurance              17,541                     18,154
    Structured direct                        4,182                      5,247
    Structured reinsurance                   5,442                      5,912
    Trade credit reinsurance                   287                        (74)
    Total Net Premiums Written -
     insurance                             $33,055                    $42,019

    Net Premiums Earned:  (1)
    Public finance direct                  $17,810                    $11,585
    Public finance reinsurance               9,870                     11,100
    Structured direct                        3,882                      4,691
    Structured reinsurance                   5,599                      6,194
    Trade credit reinsurance                   495                        694
    Total Net Premiums Earned -
     insurance                             $37,656                    $34,264

    Refundings included in earned premium  $11,657                     $6,586

    Claims paid:
         Trade credit reinsurance             $586                     $2,646
         Other                             101,456 (2)                    (69)
         Conseco                             2,068                      3,108
           Total                          $104,110                     $5,685

    Incurred losses:
         Trade credit reinsurance          $(1,655)                   $(3,136)
         Other                              13,358                     (2,676)
           Total                           $11,703                    $(5,812)

    Loss ratio - GAAP Basis                  22.8%                     (10.9%)
    Expense ratio - GAAP Basis (3)           60.7%                      48.8%
                                             83.5%                      37.9%

    Net payments (receipts) under
     derivatives contracts                    $-                     $(11,228)

    (1) Premiums written and earned on credit derivatives for the quarter
        ended March 31, 2008 were $12.9 million and $13.7 million,
        respectively, compared to $13.3 million and $18.9 million,
        respectively, for the quarter ended March 31, 2007.  Premiums earned
        on credit derivatives are included in change of fair value of
        derivative instruments.
    (2) Includes a $100 million payment related to one credit that is a CDO of
        an ABS that was fully reserved for in 2007.
    (3) Excludes merger expenses in 2007.

    Radian Group Inc.
    Financial Guaranty Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit F

    ($ in thousands, except ratios)    March 31    December 31     March 31
                                         2008          2007          2007

    Capital and surplus               $1,097,250    $1,158,537    $1,042,548
    Contingency reserve                  464,655       433,296       357,176
         Qualified statutory
          capital                      1,561,905     1,591,833     1,399,724

    Unearned premium reserve             882,627       886,024       837,024
    Loss and loss expense reserve         58,207        61,038        88,253
         Total statutory
          policyholders' reserves      2,502,739     2,538,895     2,325,001

    Present value of installment
     premiums                            443,408       461,806       377,105
    Reinsurance and soft capital
     facilities                          150,000       150,000       150,000
         Total statutory claims
          paying resources            $3,096,147    $3,150,701    $2,852,106

    Net debt service outstanding    $165,931,040  $164,346,659  $155,568,589

    Capital leverage ratio (1)               106           103           111
    Claims paying leverage ratio (2)          54            52            55

    Net par outstanding by product:
        Public finance direct        $18,460,669   $18,228,946   $16,590,493
        Public finance reinsurance    44,404,128    43,822,781    39,311,697
        Structured direct             47,634,388    47,878,168    52,945,169
        Structured reinsurance         6,284,246     6,091,717     5,261,220
    Total                           $116,783,431  $116,021,612  $114,108,579

    Reinsurance business net par
        Treaty                               60%           59%           59%
        Facultative                          40%           41%           41%

    Reserve for losses and LAE
        Specific                         $27,056       $26,791       $33,011
        Conseco                           20,457        22,526        30,866
        Non-specific                     113,446       203,987       111,894
         Total                          $160,959      $253,304      $175,771

    (1) Net debt service outstanding divided by qualified statutory capital
    (2) Net debt service outstanding divided by total statutory claims paying

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit G

                                                   Quarter Ended
    ($ in millions)                                   March 31
                                            2008      %      2007      %

    Primary New Insurance Written
       Flow                                $9,284   90.2%   $7,049   53.3%
       Structured                           1,013    9.8%    6,178   46.7%
    Total Primary                         $10,297  100.0%  $13,227  100.0%

       Prime                               $8,208   88.4%   $5,050   71.6%
       Alt-A                                  583    6.3%    1,401   19.9%
       A minus and below                      493    5.3%      598    8.5%
    Total Flow                             $9,284  100.0%   $7,049  100.0%

       Prime                               $1,012   99.9%      $93    1.5%
       Alt-A                                    1    0.1%    5,905   95.6%
       A minus and below                        -       -      180    2.9%
    Total Structured                       $1,013  100.0%   $6,178  100.0%

       Prime                               $9,220   89.5%   $5,143   38.9%
       Alt-A                                  584    5.7%    7,306   55.2%
       A minus and below                      493    4.8%      778    5.9%
    Total Primary                         $10,297  100.0%  $13,227  100.0%

    Total Primary New Insurance Written
     by FICO Score
      <=619                                  $265    2.9%     $486    6.9%
      620-679                               1,938   20.9%    2,255   32.0%
      680-739                               3,615   38.9%    2,479   35.2%
      >=740                                 3,466   37.3%    1,829   25.9%
    Total Flow                             $9,284  100.0%   $7,049  100.0%

      <=619                                    $-     $-      $126    2.0%
      620-679                                  10    1.0%    1,376   22.3%
      680-739                                 369   36.4%    3,068   49.7%
      >=740                                   634   62.6%    1,608   26.0%
    Total Structured                       $1,013  100.0%   $6,178  100.0%

      <=619                                  $265    2.6%     $612    4.6%
      620-679                               1,948   18.9%    3,631   27.5%
      680-739                               3,984   38.7%    5,547   41.9%
      >=740                                 4,100   39.8%    3,437   26.0%
    Total Primary                         $10,297  100.0%  $13,227  100.0%

    Percentage of primary new insurance
      Refinances                              40%              51%
      95.01% LTV and above                    20%              16%
         Less than 5 years                     1%              42%
         5 years and longer                    6%               5%

    Primary risk written
       Flow                                $2,316   89.7%   $1,746   90.0%
       Structured                             266   10.3%      194   10.0%
    Total Primary                          $2,582  100.0%   $1,940  100.0%

    Pool risk written                         $31              $89

    Other risk written
         1st loss                              $-               $3
         2nd loss                               -               21
      NIMs                                      -              268
         1st loss-Hong Kong primary
          mortgage insurance                   51               19
         Reinsurance                           19               17
    Total other risk written                  $70             $328

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit H

    ($ in millions)                            March 31          March 31
                                             2008       %      2007       %
    Primary insurance in force
       Flow                                $110,020   74.9%   $85,649   71.5%
       Structured                            36,929   25.1%    34,063   28.5%
    Total Primary                          $146,949  100.0%  $119,712  100.0%

       Prime                                $99,721   67.9%   $77,414   64.7%
       Alt-A                                 34,949   23.8%    31,023   25.9%
       A minus and below                     12,279    8.3%    11,275    9.4%
    Total Primary                          $146,949  100.0%  $119,712  100.0%

    Primary risk in force
       Flow                                 $27,751   84.6%   $21,267   82.7%
       Structured                             5,041   15.4%     4,446   17.3%
    Total Primary                           $32,792  100.0%   $25,713  100.0%

       Prime                                $21,810   78.6%   $16,653   78.3%
       Alt-A                                  3,788   13.6%     3,015   14.2%
       A minus and below                      2,153    7.8%     1,599    7.5%
    Total Flow                              $27,751  100.0%   $21,267  100.0%

       Prime                                 $2,577   51.1%    $1,797   40.4%
       Alt-A                                  1,554   30.8%     1,442   32.4%
       A minus and below                        910   18.1%     1,207   27.2%
    Total Structured                         $5,041  100.0%    $4,446  100.0%

       Prime                                $24,387   74.4%   $18,450   71.8%
       Alt-A                                  5,342   16.3%     4,457   17.3%
       A minus and below                      3,063    9.3%     2,806   10.9%
    Total Primary                           $32,792  100.0%   $25,713  100.0%

    Total Primary Risk in Force by FICO
      <=619                                  $1,650    5.9%    $1,381    6.5%
      620-679                                 8,262   29.8%     6,574   30.9%
      680-739                                10,269   37.0%     7,733   36.4%
      >=740                                   7,570   27.3%     5,579   26.2%
    Total Flow                              $27,751  100.0%   $21,267  100.0%

      <=619                                    $851   16.9%    $1,205   27.1%
      620-679                                 1,380   27.4%     1,539   34.6%
      680-739                                 1,517   30.1%     1,130   25.4%
      >=740                                   1,293   25.6%       572   12.9%
    Total Structured                         $5,041  100.0%    $4,446  100.0%

      <=619                                  $2,501    7.6%    $2,586   10.0%
      620-679                                 9,642   29.4%     8,113   31.6%
      680-739                                11,786   36.0%     8,863   34.5%
      >=740                                   8,863   27.0%     6,151   23.9%
    Total Primary                           $32,792  100.0%   $25,713  100.0%

    Percentage of primary risk in force
     Refinances                                 31%               33%
     95.01% LTV and above                       24%               19%
         Less than 5 years                      11%               18%
         5 years and longer                      9%                9%

    Pool risk in force
       Prime                                 $2,113   70.6%    $2,207   72.0%
       Alt-A                                    292    9.7%       301    9.8%
       A minus and below                        590   19.7%       558   18.2%
    Total                                    $2,995  100.0%    $3,066  100.0%

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit I

    ($ in millions)                          March 31          March 31
                                            2008      %      2007      %
     Total Primary Risk in Force by LTV
       95.01% and above                    $7,926   24.2%   $4,795   18.6%
       90.01% to 95.00%                    10,079   30.7%    7,965   31.0%
       85.01% to 90.00%                    11,102   33.9%    9,157   35.6%
       85.00% and below                     3,685   11.2%    3,796   14.8%
     Total                                $32,792  100.0%  $25,713  100.0%

     Total Primary Risk in Force by
      Policy Year
        2004 and prior                     $8,408   25.6%  $10,851   42.2%
        2005                                4,805   14.6%    6,137   23.9%
        2006                                5,728   17.5%    6,815   26.5%
        2007                               11,300   34.5%    1,910    7.4%
        2008                                2,551    7.8%        -      -
     Total                                $32,792  100.0%  $25,713  100.0%

     Total Pool Risk in Force by Policy
        2004 and prior                     $1,864   62.2%   $2,039   66.5%
        2005                                  592   19.8%      650   21.2%
        2006                                  261    8.7%      285    9.3%
        2007                                  250    8.4%       92    3.0%
        2008                                   28    0.9%        -      -
     Total Pool risk in Force              $2,995  100.0%   $3,066  100.0%

    Other risk in force
         1st loss                            $336             $555
         2nd loss                             507              605
      NIMS                                    522              783
         1st loss-Hong Kong primary
          mortgage insurance                  517              353
         Reinsurance                          125               61
         Credit default swaps               8,872 (1)        7,875
         Domestic credit default swaps        212              212
     Total other risk in force            $11,091          $10,444

    Risk to capital ratio-STAT Basis        17.7:1           10.4:1
    Risk to capital ratio-STAT Basis
     excluding AAA-rated CDS                14.1:1            8.4:1

    (1) Due to foreign currency changes since we underwrote such risk, the
        current U.S. dollar-denominated risk has increased.

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit J
                                                 Quarter Ended
    ($ in thousands)                                March 31
                                               2008             2007
    Direct claims paid
       Prime                                 $60,658          $33,125
       Alt-A                                  35,732           19,998
       A minus and below                      48,361           29,080
       Seconds and other                      45,437           13,621
    Total                                   $190,188          $95,824

    Average claim paid
       Prime                                   $36.8            $28.1
       Alt-A                                    49.6             39.7
       A minus and below                        37.2             29.6
       Seconds                                  34.6             28.8
       Total                                   $38.2            $30.6

    Loss ratio - GAAP Basis                   264.7%            57.6%
    Expense ratio - GAAP Basis (2)             22.1%            26.9%
                                              286.8%            84.5%

    Reserve for losses by category
          Prime                             $479,653         $200,262
          Alt-A                              598,706          146,329
          A minus and below                  391,426          228,066
          Pool insurance                      56,893           34,599
          Seconds                            176,121           38,347
          Other                                1,485              900
    Reserve for losses, net                1,704,284          648,503
          Reinsurance recoverable             36,885 (1)       28,188 (1)
    Total                                 $1,741,169         $676,691

    (1) Reinsurance recoverable on ceded losses.
    (2) Excludes merger expenses.

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit K

                                      March 31     December 31    March 31
                                        2008          2007          2007
    Default Statistics
    Primary insurance:

      Number of insured loans          582,261       565,563       504,941
      Number of loans in default        22,806        20,632        14,013
      Percentage of loans in default     3.92%         3.65%         2.78%

      Number of insured loans           73,672        74,559        65,075
      Number of loans in default        10,014         7,980         4,513
      Percentage of loans in default    13.59%        10.70%         6.94%

     A minus and below
      Number of insured loans           64,193        63,853        53,379
      Number of loans in default        10,411        10,087         6,704
      Percentage of loans in default    16.22%        15.80%        12.56%

    Total Flow
      Number of insured loans          720,126       703,975       623,395
      Number of loans in default        43,231        38,699        25,230
      Percentage of loans in default     6.00%         5.50%         4.05%

      Number of insured loans           72,264        64,789        59,194
      Number of loans in default         5,434         4,707         3,231
      Percentage of loans in default     7.52%         7.27%         5.46%

      Number of insured loans           87,325        97,526        84,050
      Number of loans in default        12,056         8,783         3,922
      Percentage of loans in default    13.81%         9.01%         4.67%

     A minus and below
      Number of insured loans           26,342        28,747        34,429
      Number of loans in default         8,404         8,659         7,971
      Percentage of loans in default    31.90%        30.12%        23.15%

    Total Structured
      Number of insured loans          185,931       191,062       177,673
      Number of loans in default        25,894        22,149        15,124
      Percentage of loans in default    13.93%        11.59%         8.51%

    Total Primary Insurance
      Number of insured loans          654,525       630,352       564,135
      Number of loans in default        28,240        25,339        17,244
      Percentage of loans in default     4.31%         4.02%         3.06%

      Number of insured loans          160,997       172,085       149,125
      Number of loans in default        22,070        16,763         8,435
      Percentage of loans in default    13.71%         9.74%         5.66%

     A minus and below
      Number of insured loans           90,535        92,600        87,808
      Number of loans in default        18,815        18,746        14,675
      Percentage of loans in default    20.78%        20.24%        16.71%

    Total Primary Insurance
      Number of insured loans          906,057       895,037       801,068
      Number of loans in default        69,125 (1)    60,848 (1)    40,354 (1)
      Percentage of loans in default     7.63%         6.80%         5.04%

    Pool insurance:
      Number of loans in default        26,983 (2)    26,526 (2)    17,989 (2)

    (1) Includes 1,504, 2,595 and 1,541 defaults at March 31, 2008, December
        31, 2007 and March 31, 2007, respectively, where reserves have not
        been established because no claim payment is currently anticipated.
    (2) Includes 20,417, 20,193 and 13,036 defaults at March 31, 2008,
        December 31, 2007 and March 31, 2007, respectively, where reserves
        have not been established because no claim payment is currently

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit L

                                                        Quarter Ended
                                                           March 31
                                                    2008              2007

    Net Premiums Written (In thousands)(1)
      Primary and Pool Insurance                  $200,477          $192,108
      Seconds                                        3,481            11,179
      International                                  7,293             3,124
    Total Net Premiums Written - insurance        $211,251          $206,411

    Net Premiums Earned (In thousands)(1)
      Primary and Pool Insurance                  $193,483          $167,155
      Seconds                                        6,164             9,172
      International                                  4,618             3,916
    Total Net Premiums Earned - insurance         $204,265          $180,243

    SMART HOME (In millions)
    Ceded Premiums Written                            $3.2              $3.2
    Ceded Premiums Earned                             $3.2              $2.9

    Premiums ceded to captives (In millions)         $35.7             $28.1
    % of total premiums                              15.4%             14.2%
    NIW subject to captives (In millions)           $3,986            $4,994
    % of primary NIW                                 38.7%             37.8%
    IIF included in captives (2)                     37.4%             34.3%
    RIF included in captives (2)                     42.2%             39.7%

    Persistency (twelve months ended March 31)       77.5%             69.5%

                                                   March 31          March 31
                                                     2008              2007

    % of Primary RIF included in Smart
     Home Transactions (2)                           5.0%              9.0%

    (1) Premiums written and earned on credit derivatives for the quarter
        ended March 31, 2008, were $8.9 million and $11.5 million,
        respectively, compared to $15.9 million and $15.7 million,
        respectively, for the quarter ended March 31, 2007.  Premiums earned
        on credit derivatives are included in change of fair value of
        derivative instruments.
    (2) Radian reinsures the middle layer risk positions, while retaining a
        significant portion of the total risk comprising the first loss and
        most remote risk positions.

    Radian Group Inc.
    Mortgage Insurance Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit M

                                                    Quarter Ended
    ($ in millions)                                    March 31
                                              2008     %        2007     %
    Primary New Insurance Written by FICO
      <=619                                    $1     0.2%       $8     0.1%
      620-659                                   9     1.5%      589     8.1%
      660-679                                  31     5.3%    1,165    15.9%
      680-739                                 301    51.6%    3,640    49.8%
      >=740                                   242    41.4%    1,904    26.1%
    Total                                    $584   100.0%   $7,306   100.0%

    Primary Risk in Force by FICO Score
      <=619                                   $37     0.7%      $22     0.5%
      620-659                                 686    12.8%      708    15.9%
      660-679                                 793    14.8%      723    16.2%
      680-739                               2,540    47.6%    2,019    45.3%
      >=740                                 1,286    24.1%      985    22.1%
    Total                                  $5,342   100.0%   $4,457   100.0%

    Primary Risk in Force by LTV
       95.01% and above                      $372     6.9%     $150     3.4%
       90.01% to 95.00%                     1,398    26.2%    1,225    27.5%
       85.01% to 90.00%                     2,199    41.2%    1,916    43.0%
       85.00% and below                     1,373    25.7%    1,166    26.1%
    Total                                  $5,342   100.0%   $4,457   100.0%

    Primary Risk in Force by Policy Year
        2004 and prior                     $1,044    19.5%   $1,401    31.4%
        2005                                  790    14.8%    1,056    23.7%
        2006                                1,225    22.9%    1,478    33.2%
        2007                                2,146    40.2%      522    11.7%
        2008                                  137     2.6%        -       -
    Total                                  $5,342   100.0%   $4,457   100.0%

    Radian Group Inc.
    Financial Services Supplemental Information
    For the Quarter Ended and as of March 31, 2008
    Exhibit N

                                                   Quarter Ended
                                                     March 31
    (In thousands)                           2008               2007

    Investment in Affiliates-Selected


    Balance, beginning of period                $-            $451,395
    Net income (loss) for period                 -              (6,804)
    Dividends received                           -                   -
    Balance, end of period                      $-            $444,591


    Balance, beginning of period          $104,315            $167,412
    Net income for period                   12,526              29,576
    Dividends received                           -              51,512
    Other comprehensive income (loss)           88              (1,778)
    Balance, end of period                $116,929            $143,698

    Portfolio Information:


    Servicing portfolio                        N/A         $59,600,000
    Total assets                               N/A           6,867,894
    Servicing income                           N/A              43,126
    Net interest income                        N/A              78,852
    Total revenues                             N/A              38,981


    Total assets                        $2,383,119          $1,234,046
    Net revenues                          $285,965            $283,788

    Radian owns a 46% interest in C-BASS and a 21.8% interest in Sherman.
    Prior to September 2007, we owned an interest in Sherman consisting of
    40.96% of the Class A Common Units of Sherman (Class A Common Units
    represent 94% of the total equity in Sherman) and 50% of the Preferred
    Units of Sherman.

All statements in this news release that address events, developments or results that we expect or anticipate may occur in the future are "forward- looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, which include, without limitation, projections regarding our future performance and financial condition are made on the basis of management's current views and assumptions with respect to future events. Any forward-looking statement is not a guarantee of future performance and actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward looking information. The forward-looking statements, as well as our prospects as a whole, are subject to risks and uncertainties, including the following:

  • actual or perceived changes in general financial and political conditions, such as extended national or regional economic recessions, changes in housing demand or mortgage originations, changes in housing values (in particular, further deterioration in the housing, mortgage and related credit markets, which would harm our future consolidated results of operations and could cause losses for our mortgage insurance business to be worse than expected), changes in the liquidity in the capital markets and the further contraction of credit markets, population trends and changes in household formation patterns, changes in unemployment rates, changes or volatility in interest rates or consumer confidence, changes in credit spreads, changes in the way investors perceive the strength of private mortgage insurers or financial guaranty providers, investor concern over the credit quality and specific risks faced by the particular businesses, municipalities or pools of assets covered by our insurance;
  • actual or perceived economic changes or catastrophic events in geographic regions (both domestic and international) where our mortgage insurance or financial guaranty insurance in force is more concentrated;
  • our ability to successfully obtain additional capital to support our long-term liquidity needs and to protect our credit and financial strength ratings;
  • a decrease in the volume of home mortgage originations due to reduced liquidity in the lending market, tighter underwriting standards and a deterioration in housing markets throughout the U.S.;
  • a decrease in the volume of the municipal bonds, and other public finance and structured finance transactions that we insure, or a decrease in the volume of such transactions for which issuers or investors seek or demand financial guaranty insurance;
  • the loss of a customer for whom we write a significant amount of mortgage insurance or financial guaranty insurance or the influence of large customers;
  • reduction in the volume of reinsurance business available to us from one or more of our primary financial guaranty insurer customers due to adverse changes in their ability to generate new profitable direct financial guaranty insurance or their need for us to reinsure their risk;
  • disruption in the servicing of mortgages covered by our insurance policies;
  • the aging of our mortgage insurance portfolio and changes in severity or frequency of losses associated with certain of our products that are riskier than traditional mortgage insurance or financial guaranty insurance policies;
  • the performance of our insured portfolio of higher risk loans, such as Alternative-A ("Alt-A") and subprime loans, and adjustable rate products, such as adjustable rate mortgages and interest-only mortgages, which have resulted in increased losses in 2007 and 2008 and may result in further losses;
  • reduced opportunities for loss mitigation in markets where housing values fail to appreciate or begin to decline;
  • changes in persistency rates of our mortgage insurance policies caused by changes in refinancing activity, in the rate of appreciation or depreciation of home values and changes in the mortgage insurance cancellation requirements of mortgage lenders and investors;
  • downgrades or threatened downgrades of, or other ratings actions with respect to, our credit ratings or the insurance financial strength ratings assigned by the major rating agencies to any of our rated insurance subsidiaries at any time (in particular, our credit rating and the financial strength ratings of our mortgage insurance subsidiaries that are currently under review for possible downgrade);
  • heightened competition for our mortgage insurance business from others such as the Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans' Administration or other private mortgage insurers (in particular those that have been assigned higher ratings from the major ratings agencies), from alternative products such as "80-10-10" loans or other forms of simultaneous second loan structures used by mortgage lenders, from investors using forms of credit enhancement other than mortgage insurance as a partial or complete substitution for private mortgage insurance and from mortgage lenders that demand increased participation in revenue sharing arrangements such as captive reinsurance arrangements;
  • changes in the charters or business practices of Federal National Mortgage Association and Freddie Mac, the largest purchasers of mortgage loans that we insure, and our ability to retain our "Top Tier" eligibility requirement from both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae;
  • failure to bring the amendment to our credit facility, dated April 30, 2008, effective by May 15, 2008, which would result in a reinstatement of the ratings covenant under our credit facility;
  • heightened competition for financial guaranty business from other financial guaranty insurers, including those recently downgraded to ratings equal to or lower than our ratings, from other forms of credit enhancement such as letters of credit, guaranties and credit default swaps provided by foreign and domestic banks and other financial institutions and from alternative structures that may permit insurers to securitize assets more cost-effectively without the need for the types of credit enhancement we offer, or result in our having to reduce the premium we charge for our products;
  • the application of existing federal or state consumer, lending, insurance, securities and other applicable laws and regulations, or changes in these laws and regulations or the way they are interpreted; including, without limitation: (i) the possibility of private lawsuits or formal investigations by state insurance departments and state attorneys general alleging that services offered by the mortgage insurance industry, such as captive reinsurance, pool insurance and contract underwriting, are violative of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and/or similar state regulations, (ii) legislative and regulatory changes affecting demand for private mortgage insurance or financial guaranty insurance, or (iii) legislation and regulatory changes limiting or restricting our use of (or requirements for) additional capital, the products we may offer, the form in which we may execute the credit protection we provide or the aggregate notional amount of any product we may offer for any one transaction or in the aggregate;
  • the possibility that we may fail to estimate accurately the likelihood, magnitude and timing of losses in connection with establishing loss reserves for our mortgage insurance or financial guaranty businesses, or the premium deficiency for our second-lien mortgage insurance business, or to estimate accurately the fair value amounts of derivative contracts in our mortgage insurance and financial guaranty businesses in determining gains and losses on these contracts;
  • changes in accounting guidance from the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") or the Financial Accounting Standards Board;
  • our ability to profitably grow our insurance businesses in international markets, which depends on a number of factors such as foreign governments' monetary policies and regulatory requirements, foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, and our ability to develop and market products appropriate to foreign markets;
  • legal and other limitations on the amount of dividends we may receive from our subsidiaries; and
  • vulnerability to the performance of our strategic investments, including in particular, our investment in Sherman Financial Group LLC.

For more information regarding these risks and uncertainties as well as certain additional risks that we face, you should refer to the Risk Factors detailed in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007. We caution you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are current only as of the date on this news release. We do not intend to, and we disclaim any duty or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements made in this news release to reflect new information or future events or for any other reason.

For investors: Terri Williams-Perry - phone: 215 231.1486

For the media: Rick Gillespie - phone: 215 231.1061

Steve Frankel / Tim Lynch
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
212 355 4449

SOURCE Radian Group Inc.